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Indian Chili Powder is Not Just Spicy But Healthy

Chili powder is exceptionally used in making soups, stews, and chilis. Chefs also use this spice to prepare marinades or dry rubs for meats. It is a fairly healthy seasoning that possesses many beneficial and healthy nutrients. Indian chili powder exporters will share major health benefits of chili in detail with this post. Keep reading it further if you don’t want to miss crucial points about chili powder- which is no doubt spicy, but healthy too!

Vitamin A

Human body needs vitamin A for stronger eyesight and for maintaining health of the bones, skin, teeth, reproductive system, and internal membranes. Chili powder has vitamin A- 1 tbsp of chili powder contains 2,224 international units of vitamin A.

Vitamin C

There is around 4.8 milligrams of vitamin C present in 1 tbsp of chili powder. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant. Human body requires antioxidants to combat free radicals which are responsible for severe health conditions like cancer and heart diseases. By including chili powder in cooking, you can boost your immunity and heal injuries.


Chili powder also contains a bagful of minerals. About 1 tbsp of chili powder holds 22.7 mg of phosphorous, 20.9 mg of calcium, 1.1 mg of iron and .2 mg zinc and manganese and .5 micrograms of selenium.

Please note that the chili seasonings packs available in the market are lacking all the above nutritional benefits. Chili seasonings are different from chili powder and contain more sodium that can bring high blood pressure problems.

Until now, people used to eat chili powder as a spice that makes the flavor of food spicy. But after reading these benefits, we are sure they will include chili powder in regular diet. Indian chili powder exporters believe that if people will start using chili powder in routine, their health will get improve after time and the immunity strength will get more powerful.

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